COVID-19: An Update from our Director, Molly O’Donnell

March 24th, 2020
Hi all,
I hope this finds you well and safely at home with your loved ones. These are very strange times we are living through! Here at Save First our thoughts, prayers and well wishes are with every one of you.
To you our clients we want you to know that we are here to serve you. To that end, we have updated our website with some general resources for you during this time – where to go and what to do (Portland Resources, Vancouver Resources). We will continue to add resources and updates as we weather this together. If we can be of further service please do not hesitate to call us. Our staff are available and working remotely, and all of our services are available to you online or over the phone, so please reach out if you have a need.
To our corporate and community partners, we want you to know that all of our services continue uninterrupted and remotely. We have moved all classes and coaching sessions to an online platform. Last week was eerily quiet on the emergency assistance lines which we attribute to everyone adjusting to the changes or the lull before the storm. For Save First, it allowed us the time to get the team set-up at home. We are happy to report that all staff, systems, clients and coaches have adapted to the shift to remote service and we believe this will only improve as we move forward. We anticipate the need for services increasing on a daily basis as things continue to shut down. Please let us know if you have any additional ways we can support your employees, residents, or members during COVID-19.
Take care and stay safe,
Director, Save First