Some General Rules for Car Buying:

August 25th, 2020
- The longer you keep the same car, the more money you’ll save in the long run- When it begins to cost more for repair than the value of the car, time to sell it!
- Lease or Buy? Will your work help offset leasing costs? Do you drive many miles for work? If you do, leasing may make sense. Leasing is essentially renting your car; you do not own any part of the vehicle.
- Don’t buy more car than you can afford- Luxury brands may have a good reliability record, but they will cost more to service and maintain.
- Use the Consumer Reports website- It provides unbiased reviews on hundreds of items, including cars. Their reliability score is based on the latest auto subscriber surveys from thousands of actual ownership experiences.
- Buy Tried and True- Wait until the manufacturer produces the same car as it reduces the number of problem areas.
- Buy your car through the internet department instead of dealing with a salesperson- You’ll get a better deal. Costco also provides this service to its members
- No Need to Purchase an Extra Warranty- Unless the model you’re buying is known to have major problem areas.
- It’s generally better to use the money you would have spent on the warranty into a savings account for any problems that might arise
- When test driving the car let the salesperson know the following- You’re not buying a car today but may in the future. You’re comparing several different models to the one you’re test driving and if the salesperson does a good job you may use them in the future.
Keep it simple and come see us if you have any questions or would like to meet with a coach to come up with a personalized plan.